XYY, Jacob's syndrome

XYY A Missed Diagnosis

XYY A Missed Diagnosis When asked the question, “Tell us about your son’s journey to a XYY diagnosis,” it almost seems like too much to put into words. Too much time, too many doctors, too many tests, too many feelings of failure as a mom … just too much. However, I think it is a …

Klinefelter syndrome story

A German Klinefelter Story

A Klinefelter Story from Germany This Story was written by a Mum that lives in Germany who has a son with Klinefelter syndrome. Using translation software we do our best to bring you their story.   I am a Mum of a 24 year old Klinefelter syndrome boy. He was diagnosed while I was pregnant. …

Klinefelter Educations

Klinefelter Educations

Klinefelter Educations Klinefelter educations are something people have never even talked about openly on the internet.  There are people all over the world who have Klinefelter syndrome, though no one until now has put together a list of these amazing individuals and their Klinefelter educations.  With hard work we can do anything we put our …

Klinefelter syndrome facts

Klinefelter Syndrome Facts

Klinefelter Syndrome Facts More Positive Traits I want to change to the way the world learns about Klinefelter syndrome facts.  Here is a highlight all of the successful people with Klinefelter syndrome who at one point in their lives were told it is not possible. With all of the information online about “who we are” …