Klinefelter Syndrome Positive Traits

Welcome to X and Y variations and Klinefelter syndrome POSITIVE TRAITS. This article is for all X and Y Chromosome variations.  I have Klinefelter syndrome and will be talking about it more often. This might be the first of many Klinefelter syndrome positive articles you will read on the internet. When I first started spreading awareness about …

Klinefelter syndrome, xxy, 47xxy

Klinefelter Syndrome Diagnosis

Are you just finding you have been diagnosed with Klinefelter Syndrome, 47xxy or another x and y variation?  One word of advice, this syndrome is a Spectrum.  You might have one symptom or your might have all of them. I found out at the age of 9 I had Klinefelter syndrome. This message was written …

xxy conference, livingwithxxy, Klinefelter syndrome, xxy, 47xxy

XXY conference for Klinefelter syndrome

Looking back on the last year of my life. In June of 2017 I decided to go to my first XXY conference  put on by the non profit AXYS. This happens once every two years. The conference is about x and y variations including what I was born with which happens to be Klinefelter syndrome. …